Hybrid Funding Report

Here is a brief summary as well as a glossary that will help you use the funding report for hybrid financing programs.


The hybrid funding report is a list of payments collected by HFD for payment plans originated. For each payment, HFD provides :

  • Unique Identifiers: Any ID’s that will help link payments to specific provider accounts or payment plans.
  • Breakdown of payment collected: How much was collected, how much of it was applied to principal and interest.
  • Breakdown of funding distribution: Infromation that helps providers understand which parties were paid with the funds that were collected by HFD.


Providers can be set up with an email subscription for the following frequencies:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly


Activated OnThe date the payment plan was activated.1/1/2024
Activated YMThe month and the year the payment plan was activated.01/2024
First NameThe first name of the patient.John
Last NameThe last name of the patient.Doe
Patron IDThe unique ID of the patient’s login account for their patient portal. Will be 0 or null if they have not created a portal account.123456
HFD IDThe unique ID for the patients payment plan.1234567
Payment IDThe unique ID for the payment made.98765
Parent Provider IDThe unique ID for the parent provider account.5673836
Provider IDThe unique ID for the location within the parent provider.578493
Practice NameThe DBA name of the specific location that originated the patients payment plan.John Doe’s Practice
Transaction DateThe date the payment was processed.01/01/2024
Payment TypeThe type of payment made within the payment plan schedule.DwnPayment
Installment NumberThe month of the amortization schedule that the payment applies to.4
Total InstallmentsThe total term length of the payment schedule.24
Gross Payment CollectedThe total amount of the payment processed.$400.00
Applied to PrincipalThe amount of Gross Payment Collected that was applied to Principal.$300.00
Applied to InterestThe amount of Gross Payment Collected that was applied to Interest.$100.00
Servicing FeesThe fee HFD charges for processing payments, communicating with patients, and providing an online portal for self-service. Merchant processing is included in this fee and will be the only charge included in the down payment.$5
Net to DistributeThe Gross Payment Collected less Servicing Fees that can be distributed to investors and provider.$395.00
Payment SplitThe pre-negotiated percentage split of payments to investor and provider.70%
Paid to InvestorThe amount of Net to Distribute that was sent to the Investor.$276.50
Paid to ProviderThe amount of Net to Distribute that was sent to Provider.$118.50
Paid to Provider DateThe date the amount of Paid to Provider was released by HFD.1/3/2024
Is CancelledA true/false field that identifies cancelled accounts.True
Updated on March 23, 2024

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