How To Present Financing

Gone are the days of saying no to patients in need of financing. Learn how to sell 100% financing to your patients and empower your practice to provide financing for all!

What’s different about HFD Financing?

We’ve all been there: a patient is finishing up an excellent consultation. They’ve had a world-class experience and understand the need for treatment when the conversation switches from their health and wellness to cost and price.

Traditional prime lenders reject more than half of your patients when they apply for treatment financing, based solely on their credit score. When affordability is the reason your patients leave with unscheduled treatments, their health suffers and so does your practice.

HFD approves nearly everyone*, which makes way for an easy, lighthearted conversation between you and the patient.

How can HFD help with the conversation?

We want to make having finance conversations as easy as possible for you and your practice. We have compiled a list of commonly asked questions to help on the journey to providing financing to every patient.

Patient Question Your Answer
I don’t want to hurt my credit. How will this affect my credit score? HFD financing does not affect your credit score. Lenders won’t be able to see the inquiry.
Am I committed to financing once I’ve run my credit? There is no obligation to proceed and because there is no impact on your credit, your score won’t be negatively impacted either.
I don’t have good credit; I’m worried I won’t be approved All patients will have an approved pay-over-time offer unless they are:
  • On the terrorist watch list
  • Have an open bankruptcy
  • Suspected of fraud
What if I can’t afford the down payment? Because HFD is not like a traditional “lender”, you can use a credit card to pay your down payment.

Non-emergent treatment can be scheduled at a later date. You don’t have to move forward today. You can save up for the down payment and come back when you’re ready.

If necessary; friends or family can help with the DP. Their payment information can be changed to yours for recurring drafts in the customer portal after you complete the application process.

I can’t afford a high monthly payment HFD has multiple payment plan offerings with varying term lengths to ensure there is an affordable monthly payment plan option that fits your budget.
I’ve never heard of HFD, how can I trust them?

HFD is the largest patient finance company, you’ve never heard of. We have been in business since 2009, serving some of the nation’s top healthcare organizations. We’ve approved over 1 million patients for financing in just the last few years.


You can manage your account on our customer portal 24/7 or speak to a live agent during business hours M-S in less than a minute.


* Applicants may be declined financing with any HFD program due to an association an Open Bankruptcy or any OFAC list. Underwriting considers multiple factors beyond credit score.