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  2. Reports
  3. Cash Upfront Reporting

Funding Report

This report will allow providers to identify how much they’ve been funded as well as the credit grade on the payment plan that they are being funded. 



  • App ID = HFD internal ID used to identify individual payment plans
  • Provider ID = HFD internal ID used to identify individual providers and locations
  • Name = Patient name
  • Email = Patient email
  • Activation Date = Date the payment plan was executed and the agreement signed
  • Invoice Total = The total procedure cost entered in the application
  • Discount $ = Total cost to the provider of receiving funds upfront. Commonly called the merchant discount
  • Net Funded = Net amount to be funded after merchant discount. The amount that will be sent to your bank for this patient.
  • Credit Grade = The patients credit grade assigned at underwriting

Example of funding export