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  3. Applying for a Payment Plan

How to Submit an Easy Application

Learn how to utilize HFD’s simple finance application.

At this stage, instruct the consumer to begin their part of the workflow. The following sections outline the Merchant and Consumer facing steps.

The Easy Apply workflow enables patients to complete applications independently. 

Requirements for Easy Apply:

  • Your location must have access to the HFD Provider Portal.
  • The consumer must have access to a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Merchant Step

Before the applicant begins, the merchant must enter basic details like the applicants name and treatment cost. Don’t worry—it’s a simple process!

  1. There are two ways to initiate an application. Simply click the Apply Now button from the navigation menu or from the text box on the homepage.
  2. On the application, enter the patient’s full name, email, and phone number
    • In some cases, a social security number/ITIN may be required on the provider-facing Easy Apply screen
    • Some programs will have an additional field to select the Payment Plan type. Select the service that is being performed.
  3.  Enter the Total Treatment Cost.
    • Down payment will be calculated on step 4 of the consumer workflow
  4. Enter the anticipated Service Date

    ♦ In some cases, a Patient Unique ID and/or Doctor ID may be required.

  5. Click Submit.

At this point, you are ready to instruct the patient to begin their portion of the workflow. Continue down this article for the patient-facing steps.

Consumer Steps

The applicant will receive an email and text message to complete their portion of the application or they can complete it on an in-office device.

With the consumer beginning their portion of the flow, the first step is to validate their information by entering two easy forms of authentication.

Tip: If the consumer is completing on an in office device, we suggest you have the first step of the consumer portion ready on the tablet or kiosk device. Here is the link: https://originations.healthcarefinancedirect.com/validation


  • This step is bypassed if the consumer initiates via the email or text message they receive
  1. Provide the device to the consumer with this URL open, or the consumer can proceed on their own device. A link to the application was sent via email and text.
  2. Instruct the consumer to enter their Last Name and their Email Address. 
  3. Click Get Started.

Patient Apply

Since the merchant filled in various fields of information for the applicant in the Merchant Steps, some information will be pre-populated. The consumer can now review the information entered for accuracy and fill out the remaining fields.

Step 1

The applicant will validate their first and last name and enter their social security number/ITIN and enter their date of birth. The applicant can also indicate if they are the patient. Toggle to No, if the patient is a minor or legally indelible for financing.

Step 2

Next, validate the email and phone number and enter their address

Step 3

Here, the applicant will select their last paid date and their monthly payment date will automatically populate. They will then agree to the terms and conditions.

Offer(s) & Payment

Assuming the applicant has been approved, the remaining steps will be presented.

Step 4

In this step, the applicant will be presented one or more offers based on the approval rendered in underwriting and the program(s) selected by your administrator. The applicant can select the offer that best fits their budget. 

Some programs may also include promotional offers. To learn more see here.

Step 5

To finalize the payment plan: 

  1. Enter a valid Primary Payment Method, to be used for the down payment and monthly installments for Retail Installment Contracts. 

For Bank Loans powered by Hatch Bank, the down payment and primary payment method will be entered separately. 


    • Payment methods accepted are based on the “loan” type utilized
      • Accepted payment types for Retail Installment Agreements are; Credit, Debit, Checking, Savings, FSA/HSA (for approved verticals).
      • Accepted payment types for Bank Loans powered by Hatch Bank are; Debit, Checking, savings, and FSA/HSA (for approved verticals). Credit is only accepted for down payments. 
  1. Enter the Secondary Payment Method, which is only used if the primary payment method is declined. *Note: A secondary payment method is required for some providers. 
  2. Click the checkbox to agree to the agreement terms.
  3. Click Complete & Pay. The agreement will be finalized and the down payment drafted once clicked*+.

*For some providers, the down payment will need to be collected in the provider’s office. Please check with your administrator to verify how the down payment is set to be collected.

+ An additional step is required before Complete and Pay for merchants on the Bank Loan Program, powered by Hatch Bank.


Step 6 - (Bank Loan Only)

For merchants utilizing the Bank Loan Program, an additional step is required. The consumer will scroll through to review their agreement and agree to the terms before completing. 


That’s it! The consumer will receive an email with their agreement as well as their terms listed for easy reference. Paying over time for healthcare treatment has never been easier.

You can always reach out to our Provider Support team at 877.874.3877 with any questions or concerns